Tips for Eating More Fruits, Vegetables, & Whole Grains

We all know fruits, vegetables, & whole grains are an important part of a healthy diet. But most people don’t eat enough of these healthy powerhouses. An easy way to make sure you’re getting enough of the good stuff is to find new ways to mix them into meals you already enjoy. And aim for making ½ your plate full of fruits & veggies.

Try increasing your fruits, vegetables, & whole grains by following these tips.

Getting more out of Breakfast: 

include some vegetables to eggs for a veggie scramble or omelet. Or add fresh fruit to cereal, oatmeal, low-fat yogurt, or whole wheat pancakes or waffles.

Getting more out of Lunch:

include some vegetables to your sandwich or wrap or have reduced- or low-sodium vegetable soup. Like tuna or chicken salad? Try adding chopped apples, pears, raisins, or other dried fruit. More of a lettuce or spinach salad person? Add beans—like black beans or chickpeas.

Getting more out of Dinner:

Steam or stir-fry some veggies to top off whole wheat pasta or brown rice. Make shish-kabobs by putting lean meat & vegetables on a skewer. Use crushed, unsweetened whole grain cereal as breading for baked chicken or fish. Next time you order (or make) pizza, sub out one meat for more veggies.

Getting more out of Snacks:

Blend fruits with low-fat yogurt & a splash of low-fat milk for a healthy smoothie. Cut up fruits & veggies & eat them with hummus or peanut butter or other nut butters. Try a mix of unsalted nuts, raisins, or other dried fruit & your favorite whole grain cereal. Snack on popcorn (easy on the salt & butter) or try some whole wheat pretzels.

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