6 tips to prevent gastric pain

Whether your gastric pain is diagnosed as non-ulcer dyspepsia or due to a more specific cause, making some simple lifestyle changes can lower your risk of experiencing gastric pain symptoms:

1. Eat smaller but more frequent meals. If you often suffer from indigestion, have 5 to 6 smaller meals a day, rather than three square meals.

2. Eat on time & avoid skipping meals. This will accustom your stomach to release its gastric juices only during at mealtimes & not erratically.

3. Consume less irritating foods. Cutting down on spicy, acidic, fried or fatty foods helps reduce gastric symptoms & allows your stomach to heal.

4. Drink alcohol in moderation. Excessive amounts of alcohol may weaken your stomach’s protective lining, making you more susceptible to ulcers.

5. Quit smoking. Smoking increases the production of stomach acid, slows down healing & increases your risk of getting stomach cancer.

6. Better manage your stress. You know High stress increases the production of gastric juices in your stomach. So Exercise regularly & adopt relaxation activities such as yoga & cardio to keep your stress in check.