Winter Skin Care

Skin is an important part of our body and it is sensitive, it reacts with the change in whether. There are some kinds of skin that gets different effects in different weathers like Dry skin, Oily skin, normal skin it’s not a wonder if somebody have got both dry and oily skin. Each skin type has some unique features and problems associated with it, handling these issues is not an easy task. Specially when winter comes it comes with many issues of skin like redness of skin, dry and itchy skin etc. for being free from these issues follow these steps it’s a complete skin care in winter from head to toe.


Our head is comprises of scalp and hairs and both are part of our skin. Our scalp is quite sensitive and dry it requires moisturising even in summer so that in winter it gets drier that cause dandruff and hair fall. To prevent from these issues oil your scalp two times in a week and apply a mixture of yogurt and yolk on your scalp once a week. Wash your hairs with lukewarm water stay away from hot water it damages your scalp and hairs.


Face is an important part of our body it gives first impression about a person. During winter our skin gets dry whether it is oily, normal or dry in fact dry skin become extra dire, in short every type of skin needs to be moisturised in winter. Cool and dry air of winter causes tight and reddish skin. Choose a moisturiser that suits your skin type.

Do not left dry the area under your eyes, remaining dry for a long period causes dark circles under your eyes.


Lips are covered with a thin layer of skin that gets dry sooner and cause deep exfoliation which results in pain and dark lips. Choose a moisty lip balm or lip moisturiser to keep your lips soft and rosy.


Hands also comparably have thin layer of skin than other parts of our body they gets dry and results in exfoliation and skin darkening. Keep them moisturise use a deep moisturising body lotion and apply on your whole body.

Feet's and Heals

Feet's are an important part of our body without them we are not able to move or walk but unfortunately they are the most neglected one. Having good look, fresh face but dull feet's exploits your personalty. Moisturise them and have a pedicure for keeping them fresh and soft.

Heals get crack due to dryness and dust, to prevent from these cracked heals keep them covered and apply a rich moisturiser like petroleum jelly.

That’s all about winter skin care, take care of yourself add fruits and vegetables in your diet.
Enjoy winter stay blessed.

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