Foods For Healthy & Strong Bones

Having healthy & strong bones is essential at every stage of our life & to achieve this & prevent, to the extent possible, diseases such as osteoporosis, it is important to take care of food & include two essential nutrients, calcium & Vitamin D. Both help to keep the bones in optimum condition & ensure good growth. If you want to know what ingredients you can find, in this article we suggest you through a selection of the best foods for healthy & strong bones.

The milk & other dairy products like yogurt & cheese are, as we know, one of the main sources of calcium & are essential to healthy & strong bones. Are preferred low-fat dairy products, they are healthier & offer the same or greater calcium intake than the rest. Its recommended daily consumption of 3-4 servings of dairy products, so you can complement or supplement the milk with yogurt & a few ounces of cheese. A highly recommended product today, for lactose intolerant, is soy milk, although it does not contain much calcium, is very rich in vitamin D, essential for the body to absorb calcium & growth bones.

Among the blue fish, find some like salmon, sardines & tuna are excellent for strengthening bones. Its rich content of vitamin D & omega 3 makes it especially good for increasing bone mass, since they increase the absorption of calcium in our body. They are very tasty & healthy food, so do not hesitate to include them in your diet, you can take them in different ways, either grilled, marinated or with salad, pasta, etc.

Another food that helps maintains strong bones are the spinach. In fact, this vegetable dish contributes approximately 25% of the recommended amount of calcium, & also allows us to benefit from their content rich in fiber, iron & vitamin A. Similarly, other vegetables that are good for the care of our bones are broccoli, chard, turnip & cabbage.

Nuts such as hazelnuts & almonds are also a rich source of calcium. Besides being great for the strength of our bones, provide an important contribution of vitamin E, iron & protein to our body, so take them without overdoing it a good choice for our health.

The egg yolk contains enough amount of vitamin D &, being one of the more easily incorporate foods in our diet, turns out to be an ingredient that we can use to promote bone density & strengthen bones.

Other ingredients that can be taken daily & that will help us to have healthy & stronger bones are cereals such as oats & wheat. They are ideal to take with milk, yogurt or as a component of salads or other dishes.

Top 10 Tips to prevent acne

(1). Keep your face clean

(2). Moisturize

(3). Try an over-the acne product -Counter

(4). Use makeup sparingly

(5). Watch what you put on your hair

(6). Keep your hands on your face

(7). Stay out of the sun

(8). Feed your skin

(9). Exercise daily

(10). chill

Top Tips For Getting Your Asthma Under Control

Living with asthma is ả burden, ảs the knowledge that the disease will never completely disappear. In this article you can read asthma tips & advice.

A good tip that can help your child cope with asthma is to make sure you never smoke around them. Secondhand smoke is known to be the cause of asthma occurs. Try to keep your children out of environments that ảre Smokey to ensure the health of their lungs.

This includes ảll tobacco products, with special attention to factories that might provide exposure to smoke & fumes.

If you’re suffering from asthma, it helps if you can avoid any harsh cleaning products out there. Many chemicals contained in common cleaning products can aggravate your asthma, triggering an attack. If you’re the one that cleans your home, try organic or natural cleaning solutions that are much less risky to your health.

Do you know which type of asthma you have? Being fully informed about the specific type of your particular asthma you have is very important. People who suffer from exercise-induced asthma will need to make sure that they have an emergency inhaler in their gym bag. Knowing your symptoms’ patterns will help keep you avoid big problems.

If you have moderate asthma attacks, exhale forcefully, so that you force air from your lungs. Breath out ảs hard & fast as you can. Exhale with maximum force! Take three short breaths, then one last deep breath to ensure your lungs have enough air, & then forcefully breathe out. This technique develops a breathing rhythm, allowing you to notice the breaths that you take in. It will also help to get the air to come out of the lungs so more can come in. This breathing technique may cause some coughing or sputum, but it can help regulate your breathing & reduce the attack.

A great idea to help your child with asthma is to make sure you never smoke around them.
Secondhand smoke is almost as dangerous to asthmatics ảs actually smoking a leading cause of asthma. You should also make sure your child isn’t around those that choose to smoke.
Any type of smoke can bring on a serious asthma attack. Asthmatics should also never smoke. Never breathe in chemical fumes or vapors. This can trigger an unstoppable asthma attack. If you ảre around others who ảre smoking, remove yourself.

If you have mild to moderate asthma attack, expel ảll the air from your lungs. Breathe out quick & hard. You want to force the air out. Inhale ả series of three quick breaths, followed by ả deeper one, & then force the air out again. This method forces you to pay careful attention to ảll of your breathing & create ả steady rhythm. It also helps to get the air to come out of the lungs so more can come in. You may generate sputum or cough but that is alright, but that is fine; you ảre trying to get breathing under control again.

Though it should go without saying, do not turn on any fans or circulation systems when in ả room containing visible dust that has yet to be cleaned. All this does is circulating the dust, which is an invitation to triggering an otherwise avoidable asthma attack. Open ả window to bring clean, cool air inside instead.

Omalizumab is an antibody medication that is used to control allergic reaction symptoms & may be recommended by your allergist.

A leukotriene inhibitor should be taken into consideration when asthma is ả struggle. It works to prevent leukotrienes. Leukotrienes ảre inflammation-causing chemicals that can bring on asthma attacks. When used properly, an inhibitor can help reduce symptoms & prevent attacks.
If you suffer form asthma, it is very important that you understand the best ways to manage it. The frustration of dealing with asthma can be easier if you have the right tips, & know how to manage it. We as ả society have learned a lot about asthma, so the tips laid out here can help improve your life.

Learn how to use an inhaler in the correct manner if you do not already know. Find a good place & follow ảll of the directions that have been provided by the maker of the product. The inhaler will only work if the medicine reaches your lungs. Spray the stated dose of medicine into your mouth ảs you inhale. Hold in your breath for ten seconds so the medicine works properly.

Healthy foods for children

Orange: you can give fruits, vegetable juice and soup from the age of 6 weeks. Orange juice is very healthy for children. 

It makes children healthy and they grow faster. It also helps against bone disease. Children that are not taking mother feed should drink orange juice regularly. 

Carrot : the children remain healthy if consumed carrot juice three times a day. Mother should also drink carrot juice.

The children, who drink carrot juice from the time of birth, do not get sick . Milk mixed with carrot juice is helps children grow faster.

Mustard oil : children massage with mustard oil and leave them in the sun for a while. It will make their bones strong. 

Potato: potato juice helps to make children healthy. 

Garlic: add 2 drops of garlic juice , ¼ teaspoon of honey in 1 tablespoon water . It helps in any kind of physical weakness in children. 

Almond:a soak almonds in water. Peel the morning and mash well . Mix the almond paste in milk and give it to your child. It is very healthy for children who are on Milk. 

Keep your kids away from drugs. Overcome any kind of weakness by giving appropriate foods .

Tips to quit smoking

1) Keep your mouth busy if you feel you need something in your mouth. i.e. Chew a bubble gum or hard candy.

2) Do some activities that you will enjoying a lot & that will allow you to laugh for example reading, writing, movies, music, etc 

3) Keep your hands busy with something else for example an elastic band, play some music instrument, work on a computer, or pencil .

4) Relax with deep breathing, sleep a lot, or stretch out.

5) Drink a lot of water regularly and do some exercises.

Amazing tips to remove bacteria in your mouth

You have seen a lot of healthy tips but this is Amazing tips to remove bacteria in your mouth & It’s so simple & easy to do it yourself.

Most of the people using branded toothpaste, Right? But we don’t know there is some easy way to remove bacteria in your mouth. 

So first of all you need a new dry toothbrush also need baking soda & salt then make a mixture .first mix ½ teaspoon salt with one tablespoon of baking soda into the cup. After you wet the toothbrush with warm water .dip it into the mixture. Scrub your teeth with paste & spit it with hot water. Continue the same process for five minute. after one week see it yourself how it works.

Correct timings to take water

Correct timing to take water will maximize its effectiveness to Human body.

Two glasses of water - After waking up - Helps activate internal organs

One glass of water - 30 minutes before meal - Help digestion

One glass of water - Before taking a bath - Helps lower blood pressure

One glass of water - Before sleep - To avoid stroke or heart attack

Smelly Foods Are Good For You

Smelly foods are good for you. Their odors are often due to the presence of sulfur.
Without the mineral sulfur, there could be no proteins.

All living matter contains some sulfur; this element is therefore essential for life. The greater part of the sulfur in the human body is present in the two sulfur-containing amino acids, methionine & cysteine, or in the double form of the latter cysteine. The main purpose of sulfur is to dissolve waste materials. It helps to eject some of the waste & poisons from the system. It helps keep the skin clear of blemishes & makes hair glossy. It is also valuable in rheumatic conditions.

The main sulfur-containing foods are radishes, carrots, cabbage, cheese, dried beans, fish & eggs. There is no recommended dietary allowance. But a diet sufficient in protein will generally be adequate in sulfur. Deficiency of sulfur may cause eczema & imperfect development of hair & nails. Sulfur creams & ointments have been remarkably successful in treating a variety of skin problems.

For Healthy Teeth, Don't Brush After Eating

Do not brush your teeth immediately after meals & drinks, especially if they were acidic. Acidic foods—citrus fruits, sports drinks, tomatoes, soda (both diet & regular)—can soften tooth enamel "like wet sandstone," says Howard R. Gamble, immediate past president of Academy of common Dentistry. Brushing your teeth at this stage can speed up acid's effect on your enamel & erode the layer underneath. Gamble suggests waiting thirty to sixty minutes before brushing.

Health Effects of Caffeine

Positive effects

  1. Acetylcholine is associated with concentration, attention, learning, & memory but there is no conclusive proof waiting currently that caffeine has any effect on memory & cognitive function.
  2. Low dose of caffeine show increased alertness and reduce fatigue.
  3. Caffeine has been shown to improving the metabolic rate.

Negative effects

  1. Caffeine can increase your blood pressure in non habitual consumers. High blood pressure is related with an increase in strokes, & cerebral vascular disease, which in turn improve the risk of multi-infarct dementia.
  2. Caffeine may reduce control of fine motor movements (e.g. producing shaky hands).
  3. Caffeine can increase cortical secretion, some tolerance is developed.
  4. Caffeine can contribute to increased insomnia & sleep latency.
  5. Caffeine is addictive. Caffeine withdrawal can produce headache, fatigue & decreased alertness.
  6. High doses of caffeine (300 mg or higher) can cause anxiety.
  7. High caffeine consumption accelerates bone loss at the spine in elderly postmenopausal women.

Water Is Natural Cleanser

Skin blemishes, blackheads, & pimples can be treated with water & natural cleansers.
As regards local treatment, hot fomentation should be applied to open up the pores & squeeze the waste matter. Then rinse with cold water. Sun & air baths by exposing the whole body to sun & air be highly helpful. The healing packs prepared of grated cucumber, oatmeal cooked in milk, & cooked, creamed carrots used externally, have been found to be effective.

The orange peel is valuable in the treatment of acne. The peel, pounded well with water on a piece of stone, should be applied to the affected areas. The lemon has also proved beneficial in removing pimples & acne. It should be applied regularly.

A teaspoonful of coriander juice, mixed with a pinch of turmeric powder, is another effective house remedy for pimples & blackheads. The mixture should be applied to the face after carefully washing it, every night before retiring.

The juice of raw potatoes has also proved very valuable in clearing skin blemishes. This cleansing results from high content of potassium sulfur, phosphorous & chlorine in the potato. These elements are, however, of value only when the potato is raw as in this state they are composed of live organic atoms.

Water For Weak Eyes

If you were to ask your friends how many times in a week they did something to get better the health of their eyes, they would probably say "none. Most people only pay attention to their eyes if they have a problem. Yet the hours spent watching Television (TV) & working on computers takes their toll on eye health.

The nature cure also offers water for weak eyes. The method is splashing:

Splash cold, plain water several times on closed eyes. Rub the closed lids briskly for a minute with a dirt free towel. This exercise cools the eyes & boosts blood supply.

Be sure only to splash water on the eyes. Essential oils or soaps, in particular, might be damaging.

Water Is Effective Medicine In Liver Disease

Drinking a lot of water with lemon juice will protect the injured liver cells. Alternate hot & cold compresses should be practical to the abdomen. Maintain hot compress for one minute at 120º F. Alternate with a cold compress at 60º F for few minutes. The treatment might be continued for an hour or 10 repetitions. The procedure should be repeated at five-hour  intervals.

A hot immersion bath at 104º F for 10 minutes daily will be helpful in relieving the itching which sometimes accompanies jaundice & in the elimination of the bile pigment from the system through the skin and kidneys. Cold friction two times in a day will be beneficial for general tone-up.

Natural Care During Pregnancy

A suitable diet during pregnancy is the most important factor for not only having a painless childbirth but also for giving birth to a strong baby. The idea of eating for  2, which is so prevalent today, is absurd & it leads to overeating, resulting in an unusually, heavy baby. The diet during pregnancy should consist of natural, vital foods & minimum intake of today is denatured food products. The unborn child will require an adequate amount of organic minerals from it is mother for building of bones & tissues & this can be supplied by natural food such as fruits, raw vegetables, milk & whole meal bread, unnatural foods like white bread, sugar, meat, pies & pudding are very deficient in organic mineral matter & their intake during pregnancy leads to loss & decay of teeth, general debility, & other ailments after childbirth.

3 Tips for Improving Your Diet to Treat Osteoporosis

Many women suffer from Osteoporosis between the age of 40 & 60 which leads to bone loss usually affecting the spine, hips & ribs which can increase the risks of fracturing bones. It is referred to as the silent epidemic as until you fracture a bone you are unaware that you have it. Approximately 3 million people in the UK suffer from osteoporosis. If you have an early menopause or have a family history of brittle bones it may be advisable to have a DEXA scan which takes only a few minutes & can accurately detect your bone density.

It is important for all of us to adapt our eating habits & lifestyle if we wish to improve our health & quality of life as we age so that we can help prevent diseases such as Osteoporosis. Bone density declines naturally after the age of 35 however bone loss tends to be greater in females largely due to hormonal changes after menopause.   Reduced   levels of the  hormone  estrogen  increases the risk of Osteoporosis.

Bone mass is 80% influenced by genetic factors whilst 20% is environmental. Therefore even with a predisposition to Osteoporosis a healthy diet high in calcium & Vitamin D can help to prevent the condition.

The tips to improve your diet to treat Osteoporosis are:

1. Boost your dietary calcium intake

Calcium is essential to maintain healthy bones throughout adulthood & is vital for keeping your bones strong. The recommended daily calcium intake for adults is 700mg but for anyone diagnosed with osteoporosis it should be increased to 1200mg per day. It is better to obtain calcium from food rather than supplements if possible as the body absorbs it better. Good sources of calcium are sardines, Swiss cheese & yoghurt as well as milk & green leafy vegetables. Low fat milk is still calcium rich as only the fat is taken out so will be beneficial if you have any weight concerns. A high calcium lunch could involve a bowl of creamed spinach soup, a canned salmon sandwich & a glass of semi skinned milk. A chicken with broccoli in cream sauce dinner with fruit & yoghurt will also be calcium rich. Both meals are easy to prepare. Snacks such as cheese or milk can be eaten throughout the day if you have a day where you have not been able to eat much calcium rich food in your daily diet.

2. Take Adequate Vitamin D

Vitamin D can be synthesized with the help of sunlight, however with the recent scares of skin cancer from exposure to the sun many of us now stay out of the sunlight as much as possible & therefore need to increase vitamin D rich foods in our daily diets to treat Osteoporosis. Vitamin D is an antioxidant which promotes the absorption of calcium & phosphate from food & is essential for the increased uptake of mineral by bone. A lack of meat, fish & dairy products can lead to this deficiency & women who are vegetarian & on low-fat diets increase their risk of a Vitamin D deficiency. Even if you are having enough calcium in your diet, Vitamin D is needed to absorb it properly so it is essential in the treatment of Osteoporosis. The main food sources are fish oils, herring, tuna, milk & eggs. Cereal fortified with vitamin D at breakfast with milk can be adequate for the day.

3. Limit alcohol intake

Alcohol impairs the absorption of nutrients so at a time when your body needs extra calcium & vitamin D, drinking alcohol can prevent the benefits of healthy eating. Alcohol contains calories but is void of any nutrients making it part of your diet that we can call 'empty calories'. This means consuming calories that can increase your weight whilst having little or no nutritional value. There is also an increased risk of falling or knocking yourself when you drink which is dangerous if you have weak bones as the slightest fall can lead to a fractured pelvis or leg. Alcohol is an anti-nutrient meaning it stops the beneficial nutrients being absorbed & therefore prevents the body recovering from Osteoporosis.

Onions and Garlic to Get Your Blood Moving

Another best & excellent home remedy for heart disease is onions. They are useful in normalizing the %tage of blood cholesterol by oxidizing excess cholesterol. 1 teaspoon of raw onion juice 1st thing in the morning will be highly beneficial in such cases.

Garlic is regarded as one of the most effective remedies to lower blood pressure. Over two thousand five hundred scientific studies published in ten languages find that garlic lowers blood pressure, deters the production of unhealthful cholesterol, & prevents the formation of the clots that can cause heart attack and stroke.

The pressure & tension are reduced because it has the power to ease the spasms of the small arteries. Garlic also slows the pulse and modifies the heart rhythm besides relieving the symptoms of dizziness, numbness, shortness of breath & the formation of gas within the digestive tract. The average dosage should be 2 to 3 capsules a day to make a dent in the high blood pressure.

Tips To Reduce Salt Intake

In this article you can learn about tips to reduce salt intake

1. Aim for an intake of 6g (1/8oz) salt or less each day.
2. Season your food with herbs and spices instead of salt during cooking.
3. Don't automatically add salt at the table - taste your food first.
4. Cut down on your intake of ready meals.
5. Buy fresh produce rather than tinned fruit and vegetables.
6. Read the labels and compare the salt content of similar foods.

What is Leucorrhoea?

What is Leucorrhoea?

Abnormal, foul smelling, slimy, frothy, dirty white, light-green or else yellowish free from genital organ that is among inflammation, irritation & redness is thought as Leucorrhoea (Virginity).

Leucorrhoea will last for weeks or a few months & should have an effect on the generative organs of woman. Leucorrhoea is mainly experience during puberty, when sexual organs are developing in ladies. Leucorrhoea will be terribly irritating & harmful if left untreated.

Symptoms of leucorrhoea
The following are some of the symptom of leucorrhoea:
1)      White free in the undergarments.
2)      Intense irritation & Pain in the cervical region.
3)      Indigestion
4)      Constipation
5)      Headaches & irritability
6)      Stomach ache
7)      Fatigue
8)      Dark patches under the eyes.

Causes of leucorrhoea
The following may be the causes of leucorrhoea:
1) Improper or bad eating habits
2) Eating spicy and fried foods and lots of carbohydrates.
3) Accumulation of toxins in the body
4) Unhygienic living conditions
5) Wounds produced by itching
6) Bacterial disease
7) Anemia and diseases like diabetes et cetera,
8) Hormonal turbulence

Ways To Make Taste Better (Water)

Here are some tips that can make water more enjoyable:

1). Add some fresh fruit. Citrus fruits, such as lemons, limes, & oranges, äŗë classic water enhancers, but other fruit flavors might also tempt your taste buds. Try crushing fresh raspberries or watermelon into your water, or adding strawberry slices. Cucumber & fresh mint are refreshing flavors as well specially in summer.

2). Use juice. Any fruit juice can be a good base flavor for water, but tart juices, like cranberry, pomegranate, grape, & apple äŗë especially delicious. Go for juices that äŗë all natural, with no added sugars. And remember: Fruits & their juices do not just taste good  they contain vitamins & antioxidants that can advantage your health too.

3). Make it bubbly. Many people prefer sparkling to still water. If plain old water isn't inspiring to you, try a naturally effervescent mineral water  which will give you the added benefit of minerals. Or try bubbly seltzer, a carbonated water. You can add fresh fruit or natural juice flavors to your seltzer, as suggested above, or look for naturally flavored seltzers at your local market. If you become a seltzer devotee, you might want to consider getting a seltzer maker for your house.

4). Get creative with ice. Some say that ice water taste better than water served at room temperature. If that is so, flavored ice cubes may make an even better drink. Use some of the flavoring suggestion above & start experimenting with fresh fruit, mint, or cucumber ice cubes. Simply chop your additive of choice, add it to your ice cube tray along with water, then freeze. You may also consider tea, juice, or coffee cubes. If you want to be more creative, use ice cube trays that come in fun shapes, like stars, circles, or even fish.

5). Take tea. Herbal, fruit, green, white, & red teas äŗë normally considered to be better for you than black teas (or coffee, for that matter) because they contain little to no caffeine. & there äŗë countless flavors of these teas to choose from. begin with the selection at your local market or health food store. If you äŗë interested in pursuing more exotic flavors & sophisticated teas, start researching the vast array of specialty teas that come from all parts of the globe.

6). Try bouillons, broths, and consommé’s. If your palate leans toward the savory, you may pass on tea & start sipping one of these hot & savory liquids instead. Choose low-fat & low-sodium versions for maximum health benefits. Because soup is water-based, a cup of hot soup will count toward your daily fluid consumption.

7). Add fast flavor. If you äŗë looking for a quick-&-easy flavor booster, you might also consider sugar-free drink mixes, & flavor cartridges that can be use with your faucet filter system.

Decrease your sugar intake

  • Cut back on the quantity of sugar you may regularly add to foods & drinks, such as tea, coffee, pancakes & cereal.
  • Replace sugar-sweetened beverages by sugar-free or low-calorie drinks.
  • Compare food labels & choose the products by the lowest quantity of added sugars.
  • When baking cakes, reduce the amount of sugar in the recipe by a third.
  • Try replacing sugar in recipes with extracts or spices, such as cinnamon, ginger, vanilla or almond.
  • Change sugar on cereal or oatmeal with fruit.

Winter Skin Care

Skin is an important part of our body and it is sensitive, it reacts with the change in whether. There are some kinds of skin that gets different effects in different weathers like Dry skin, Oily skin, normal skin it’s not a wonder if somebody have got both dry and oily skin. Each skin type has some unique features and problems associated with it, handling these issues is not an easy task. Specially when winter comes it comes with many issues of skin like redness of skin, dry and itchy skin etc. for being free from these issues follow these steps it’s a complete skin care in winter from head to toe.


Our head is comprises of scalp and hairs and both are part of our skin. Our scalp is quite sensitive and dry it requires moisturising even in summer so that in winter it gets drier that cause dandruff and hair fall. To prevent from these issues oil your scalp two times in a week and apply a mixture of yogurt and yolk on your scalp once a week. Wash your hairs with lukewarm water stay away from hot water it damages your scalp and hairs.


Face is an important part of our body it gives first impression about a person. During winter our skin gets dry whether it is oily, normal or dry in fact dry skin become extra dire, in short every type of skin needs to be moisturised in winter. Cool and dry air of winter causes tight and reddish skin. Choose a moisturiser that suits your skin type.

Do not left dry the area under your eyes, remaining dry for a long period causes dark circles under your eyes.


Lips are covered with a thin layer of skin that gets dry sooner and cause deep exfoliation which results in pain and dark lips. Choose a moisty lip balm or lip moisturiser to keep your lips soft and rosy.


Hands also comparably have thin layer of skin than other parts of our body they gets dry and results in exfoliation and skin darkening. Keep them moisturise use a deep moisturising body lotion and apply on your whole body.

Feet's and Heals

Feet's are an important part of our body without them we are not able to move or walk but unfortunately they are the most neglected one. Having good look, fresh face but dull feet's exploits your personalty. Moisturise them and have a pedicure for keeping them fresh and soft.

Heals get crack due to dryness and dust, to prevent from these cracked heals keep them covered and apply a rich moisturiser like petroleum jelly.

That’s all about winter skin care, take care of yourself add fruits and vegetables in your diet.
Enjoy winter stay blessed.

Benefits of Warm Water In The Morning

Water is the only thing in our body which is neutral and does not  cause any harm. We all have heard many times that water brings magic to our life. Out body is made up of about 70% water. We need water to remain hydrated as we loose water from our body through many processes like perspiration, urination, respiration. So to replenish we should drink water.

In yoga also, it is mentioned that one should try to gulp 4-5 glasses of saline warm water. Then try to bring vomiting by putting two large fingers inside the neck. This is known as Kunjal. This process brings out waster from the body and cleanses inside.

But the best way is to drink warm water. If you cannot drink the whole day then at least should try to drink warm water first thing first in the morning. At least 3 glasses we should drink. After this we should wash our face. If possible then squeeze a juice of one lemon in warm water and add some honey to this. This mixture will help you in reducing your weight also. The face behind this is honey mixes with the hidden fat which does not come out of your body and helps it removing. Lemon also chemically helps in removing the weight.

The lemon is though very good for skin so if these three things are mixed together and taken first thing in the morning then you won't have to go for expensive weight loosing medicines and these do not have any side effects also.

You can give a try and at least follow this practice for few days and feel the results your self.

Tips for long and shiny hair!

In this article you can learn about Tips for long and shiny hair!

  • One egg yolk
  • Olive oil 3 tablespoon. 
  • Lemon juice 2 tablespoon.

Make a mixture of these three things, and massage your hair scalp with the mixture, leave it for at least 1 hour, then wash it with shampoo, this will give you soft, long and shiny hair..Thanks!!

Burn your fat with cocktail drink!

In this article you can learn about how to Burn your fat with cocktail drink!

First of all we take some ingredients to making a cocktail drink.

1 Cucumber
1 Lemon
1 tbsp. juice from aloe Vera
1 tbsp. grated ginger
1 bunch parsley or coriander
1/2 glass of water

Put all the ingredients into the grinder and then grind it all completely & smoothly. Drink it before going to sleep your homemade cocktail drink. This drink helps lower the fat level in your body. After 1 week you will see the result.